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Celebration videos

Celebration visit Master

List of videos and links to YouTube. Please notice that these videos are unlisted, but feel free to share the links with friends; (NOTE: we can’t control the videos that YouTube suggests as links on the side, so don’t follow them)

Introduction by Dan Tennant

Welcome by Prof. Paul Ropp on behalf of Clark University

Samandar Dowlatshahii’s presentation

Emmilia Dowlatshahii reads the Prayer for America of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Prof. Paul Ropp’s talks about Prof. Blakeslee (text: George Hubbard Blakeslee.pdf)

Ariana Watson plays Massenet’s Meditation from Thais

Eugenio Marcano’s presentation about the trip to Worcester (Slides of this presentation)

Reading of the Master’s talk (Joe, Deb, Mehrnoosh, Rob, Holly) (text: abdul-baha_talk_clark_u.pdf)

Celebration visit Master