About Howard Douglas
The first Bahá’í child in Worcester, Howard Douglas was born in Baltimore, MD on December 8, 1913. His parents and he moved to Worcester when he was about 2 years old, and lived there until at least mid 1930’s. The 1930 census (3) still lists him single (16 years old) and living with his parents in 166 Heard St. As a youth he worked during the summers at Green Acre and served on the Youth Committee (10)
According to a historical record of the Worcester LSA of the mid 1930’s, he “officially” enrolled in the Faith on January 1, 1935 in Worcester, MA (1). On weekends he would drive his mother Hebe and Florence Morton to their teaching activities (5) throughout New England. As a child, he attended several national conventions with his mother who served a delegate multiple times (10).
Late 1930’s he lived a couple of years in California, and in Glendale, CA he met Esta Adele Pomeroy, whom he married in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 11, 1940. He then moved with his wife back to Worcester (living in 166 Heard St.) for what was going to be a short period of time, but then World War II began and their plans changed. During the war, he worked In Worcester as a precision machinist in a defense plant and was member of the Civil Air Patrol (5, 9) while still active in the Faith. While living in Worcester he served on the Local Spiritual Assembly of Worcester (5).

After the war, he worked for Roy C. Wilhelm in his property in Stoneham, Maine from 1947 to 1953. After that he moved with his family to Fryeburg, Maine. During his years in Maine he also worked as a dairy farmer and was treasurer for the Maine Dairyman’s Association for many years. He also managed a store and worked with the Maine State Liquor Commission in Fryeburg for 17 years (9). In 1961 he is listed as the chairman of the Northern New England States Area Teaching Committee and also as delegate to the National Conventions (5, 8).
In the mid 1970’s he moved to Squaw Valley, California where he lived the rest of his days with his wife. He kept working doing maintenance at Sequoia Lake YMCA camp and also he served as chair of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Fresno County from its inception until a year before his death (9).

Howard Douglas died on August 4, 2007 at the age of 93 in Squaw Valley, California in Fresno County. At the moment of his departure he was survived by his wife Esta, 4 children (H. Douglas Struven II, Roderic Struven, Ellen Riley, and Roberta Dailey) five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren (4, 9).
Data sources
- Bahá’í Historical Record of Worcester LSA. circa 1940
- Fryeburg Historical Society. Old web page (newer page doesn’t have the cemetery information). accessed March 2013.
- “United States Census, 1930,” index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XQTF-DSS : accessed 01 Mar 2013), Howard D Struven in entry for Howard C Struven, 1930.
- Death Record. Howard Douglas Struven. (http://www.death-record.com/l/91668024/Howard-Douglas-Struven) Accessed March 2, 2013, currently dead link
- Esta Struven. 2013. Personal communication.
- The Bahá’í World Vol. 12. Roy Whilhem In Memoriam. Page 662
- The Diary of Mírzá Mahmúd-i-Zarqání Chronicling `Abdu’l-Bahá’s Journey to America. translated by Mohi Sobhani. 1997.
- U.S. Supplement Bahá’í News No. 46. Dec. 1961
- Obituary. H. Douglas Struven. Published in The Fresno Bee on Aug. 7, 2007. http://www.fresnobee.com/ (accessed 4/30/2014)
- Bahá’í obituary provided by Esta Struven.
- “United States Census, 1930,” index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XQTF-DSS : accessed 01 Mar 2013), Howard D Struven in entry for Howard C Struven, 1930.
This is a work in progress if you can provide further information about these people, or corrections to this material, please contact us.