The Worcester County Bahá'í Community

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The Worcester County Bahá'í Community

“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens” - Bahá'u'lláh

Local Bahá'í News

Passage of Senate Resolution 148

December 18, 2015

The Office of Public Affairs is very happy to announce the passage, late last night, of Senate Resolution 148, condemning state-sponsored persecution of Baha’is in Iran and calling for the release of all Iranian prisoners held because of their religion.

This Resolution comes at a critical moment in US-Iran relations. By taking this action, the U.S. Government signals that, despite the nuclear deal, human rights remain at the forefront of any diplomatic engagement with Iran.

Andréana Lefton | Public Policy Fellow

Baha'i media bank is back online!

After a period of time not available, the Baha'i media bank in back online. The site provides access to a large collection of Baha'i images, including photographs of the Baha'i community, historical figures, and holy places, for use in publications, websites, and media presentations.

Bahá’í Media Bank

Funeral Services for Mrs. Monavar Hakim

Remembering the passing of  Mr Kamran Hakim's mother, Mrs. Monavar B. Hakim. She passed away peacefully at 10:25 am on Nov. 20, 2015. Please pray for the progress of her soul in the Abha Kingdom. Her funeral services shall be held at the Hays Funeral Home, 56 Main Street,  Northborough, Massachusetts on Dec. 5, 2015 at 10:00 am. 


Rupert Samuel Memorial

Dear Friends,
It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Mr. Rupert Samuel.  Rupert transferred to our community in 2003.  Originally from the Caribbean Island of Montserrat, Rupert came to the United States in 1995 after the Soufriere Volcano destroyed much of the island.  He participated in the Black Men's Gatherings and his kind heart and bright smile warmed every room. 


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