The Worcester County Bahá'í Community

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The Worcester County Bahá'í Community

“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens” - Bahá'u'lláh

Local Bahá'í News

U.S. Bahá'í Office of Public Affairs new website

The National Spiritual Assembly wrote to Local Spiritual Assemblies on June 18, 2014 that the Public Affairs website launched earlier this year (at provides news and a wealth of information on the Faith's engagement in some of the most important public discourses of our time, among them those on human rights, sustainable development, and the advancement of women. We strongly recommend it as a starting point in local media efforts.

Thank our Congresman on May 14

As instructed by the National Spriritual Assembly in the feast letter for the Feast of Jalál (April 8, 2014), we were asked to call our representatives on May 14, the 6th anniversary of the imprisonment of the Yárán, and ask them to cosponsor House Resolution 109.


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